The message of the need for theological triage is spot on. I often use a diagram resembling a bullseye target, created by Michael Patten of Credo-House Ministries, to illustrate this hierarchy of doctrines. He labels those doctrines belonging in the center circle “Essential For Salvation” with the next level labelled “Essential for Historic Christian Orthodoxy. The next circle out is “Essential for Traditional Christian Orthodoxy, followed by “Essential for Denominational Orthodoxy.” The next layer out are doctrines that are “Important but not Essential” followed by a circle he labels “Not Important.” I edited his diagram to change that label to “Less Important.” Then we get to doctrines that are “Mere Speculations.” We often are dividing as Christians over doctrines belonging in the outer few circles.

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I’d love to see that diagram. Do you have a digital copy?

Isn’t it interesting that we get caught in the weeds so often and lose sight of the main goal. Or to keep the golf metaphor, we lose sight of the flag on the green.

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I just got off the red-eye back to the mainland so my brain may not be firing on all cylinders yet but I don’t see a way to add an image in the comments on the mobile app. After I get some sleep I will log on with my computer to see how I can send the image.

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